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  People are surrounded by thousands of advertisements a day. Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?人每天都被成千上万的广告包围,你认为这是一个积极或消极的趋势?
  The sheer volume of advertising in our society is incredible. You cannot watch television, ride on a bus or even walk down the street without someone trying to sell you something or inform you of something. Recent research suggests people living in a city today see up to 5,000 advertisements a day. Advertising has grown to be an industry worth many billions of dollars across the world. Online advertising, in particular, is believed to be worth $24 billion a year. This trend should be scrutinised and analysed from multiple perspectives.
  Those who are in favour of adverts claim that advertisements play a crucial role in ensuring that they spend on the most appropriate products for themselves.If advertisements were not permitted, people would waste money on an initial product when, given the choice, they clearly would go for another. More importantly, our society is built around the idea that companies produce things that people want, and this is what makes us prosperous. If consumers suddenly stopped wanting to buy so many products, then what happens to the people whose jobs are to make them?(广州易藤教育资深老师解析:第二段描述了认为广告有益处的人的看法。Those who are in favour of … claim that…是一个可以灵活使用的句式,可以在自己的写作中借鉴使用。第二段后一句使用了反问句,答案不言而喻,增强了语气。)
  Another army of people, however, hold a different view. They argue that adverts give the impression, especially to children, that they can and should have everything they want. This makes people too interested in material things. People are becoming more selfish and obsessed with their possessions, and losing their values of patience, hard work, moderation and the importance of non-material things like family and friends. This harms their relationships and their personal development, which has serious effects for society as a whole. Even worse, many adverts do more than just advertising products. Perceptions of beauty and fashion in particular have been terribly distorted. Many young people have low self-esteem, and lead unhealthy lifestyles because they feel they should be thinner and more attractive like the models they see in adverts, leading to serious problems like eating-disorders and self-harm.(广州易藤教育资深老师解析:第三段表明了反对广告的人的理由。该段第一句是通用句型,建议背诵。)
  In conclusion, adverts, just like many things prior to them, will be the topic for discussion in the years yet to come. There is no necessity to jump to the conclusion. Time will tell.(广州易藤教育资深老师解析:结尾段做出总结,但是作者持有的是中立观点。这也是一种写作技巧。加粗的句子建议记诵。)



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