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  Some people think that government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists, while some others think it is a waste of money. What is your opinion?有些人认为政府应该提供帮助各种各样的艺术家,虽然有些人认为这是浪费金钱。你的意见是什么?
  Nowadays, some people hold the view that it is a waste of money to assist artists. I think this view is totally lack of validity because it ignores the significance of arts in our life and may give rise to some undesirable outcomes onthe preservation of the artistic traditions.(合肥沃尔得教育资深老师解析:开头直截了当呈现出essay map,使得主体段内容一览无余。)
  Artists, in my eyes, are just like scientists, both of whom have contributedsubstantially to the development of our society. Nobody would disagree that scientific achievements have brought about a great deal of convenience to our life.Mobile phone is perhaps a good case in point. However, it does not necessarily mean the same as assuming that we should be ignorant of artists. The first reaction people have when talking about Paris would not be those technological stuff but artistic works, such as the great paintings, writing masterpieces, and especially the Eiffel Tower, which is viewed highly in terms of artistic uniqueness.Take the mobile phone again. It seems to me that people nowadays pay more attention to its artistic design than its functions. It is, therefore, not justified to think that it is a waste of money to support artists.(合肥沃尔得教育资深老师解析:此段采用对比的手法,将艺术家和科学家进行了对比,突出艺术家的重要性。)
  From the government' s perspective, it is an inescapable duty to allocate its budget in a holistic and fair way. It is an undeniable fact that in many countries,many artists are generally disadvantaged in terms of monetary wealth. In other words, they have to struggle for daily sustenance, which sadly enough, results in the disappearance of many kinds of artistic traditions. Not only does it mean a loss to a nation but a loss to the world as a whole. No one, I am sure, would like to see this happen.(合肥沃尔得教育资深老师解析:该段从政府角度阐释了艺术的重要性。文化、艺术、教育等类型的题目都可以尝试从政府方面找思路。另外,为了说明做一件事情的重要性,我们可以谈谈不这么做的危害性。该段倒数第二句出现两个loss,关键词重复是加强语气的好手段。)
  Artists should be highly valued and strongly supported, especially in this increasingly materialised world. Whilst scientists have contributed a lot to the progress of people' s material life, what artists have brought about is inner peace,aesthetic tastes and relaxation, which are undoubtedly more valuable and priceless in such a hectic society. Satisfaction brought by the technological advances is transitory and sometimes illusionary, but that by the appreciation of artistic creation is absolutely not.(合肥沃尔得教育资深老师解析:结尾段重申观点。后一句尤应细加品位。如能用到作文中,则神采斐然。)



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