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  Are there any traditions about Chinese wedding?
  What is the perfect age for a person to get married?
  Should women do more housework than men?
  Should men work more or make more money than women?
  What do you think is the most important thing in a marriage?
  What is the difference between Chinese wedding and Western wedding?
  Do you think people should spend a lot of money preparing for the wedding?
  Do you think it is good or bad to get married late?
  How do Chinese people usually celebrate the wedding?
  Do you think the husband should take care of children or not?

Should women do more housework than men?
  (Version 1) Actually,I don't agree with that. According to the fact, most of the household chaos, such as dirty floor, messy kitchen or stinky bedroom, is caused by men. Even though women are talented than men in doing housework, men still should be responsible for their own part.
  亮点1 chaos:混乱。下文列举了男人们造成的各种混乱,比如肮脏的地板、杂乱的厨房和臭烘烘的卧室。尽管有一点夸张,但女考官遇到这样的答案一定喜欢你到不行。
  亮点2 responsible for their own part:为他们自己的部分负责。
Should women do more housework than men?
  (Version 2) Naturally.Even it sounds unfair for women, but leis face it, men have no dues about how to do housework. Maybe men can make great help, but women should be in比arge of this.
  亮点1 have no clues:没有头绪。用惯了have no idea的同学换换口味吧。
  亮点2 in charge of this:掌管这个。非常肯定地说明女性应该在此环节起到重要的作用。这段答案是男考宫会喜欢的版本,说到了男性的问题,却又把任务推给了女性同胞。



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