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  What is your principle of choosing furniture?
  Do you chink laptop or computer is a type of furniture?
  Why do many people buy some second-hand furniture?
  Where do you usually buy furnirure?

  Do you like furniture?
  What furniture will you buy in the future?
  How much do you think it is reasonable for purchasing furniture?
  What is your favorite furniture?
  Are there any changes about furniture in past 10 years?
  What is the difference between the Western furniture and Chinese furniture?
  How do people dispose the old furniture?

How much do you think it is reasonable for purchasing furniture?
  Personally,I would pay a lot for this, even it goes to thousands. I know the price of furniture available in the market is astonishing sometimes, but furniture is not something we can replace or dispose at any time. So I would rather make sure it is perfect from the very beginning.
  亮点1 even it goes to thousands:即使它的价格成千上万。

  亮点2 from the very beginning:从一开始。very在这里是指的,完全的,用来强调程度。
What is your favorite furniture?
  The chandelier is defuiiteiy the apple of my eyes. It always makes the room glow no matter how humble the place actually is. I don't even have to mention the daedal looking, which gives the artists and designers countless sparks.
  亮点1 chandelier:吊灯。
  亮点2 It always makes the room glow no matter how humble the place actually is:它(家具)可以让这里蓬荜生辉。humble本身是谦虚的意思,这里用来描述房间或地方,是表这简陋的委婉说法。
  亮点3 daedal :精巧的,复杂的,巧夺天工的。



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