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  The graphs below show the annual spending of a particular UK university from 1981 to 2001.
  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features. and make comparisons where relevant.
  The three pie charts show a UK university's annual expenditure by category in 1981, 1991 and 2001.
  The most significant feature is that salary. including salary to teachers and to other nonteaching staff . was the major expenditure for this university throughout the 20-year period.The percentage of total spending on teachers' salary was between 40% and 55%. while thaton other staff's salary decreased steadily from a third to less than one fifth.

  The remaining expenditures were divided between smaller items such as furniture &equipment. insurance and resources. Insurance spending continued to grow. from only 2% of the total spending in 1981 to 3% in 1991 and 8% in 2001. The percentage of total spending on resources such as books also increased slightly from 10% to 12% during the first ten years. but it dropped sharply to 5% in 2001. Spending on furniture and equipment. however. showed the most dramatic change: After being reduced by over 50% in 1991. it more than tripled to make up about a quarter of the total amount a decade later.
  throughout 遍及,贯穿
  People throughout the country arc out of work.
  triple 增至三倍
  The workforce has tripled in size since the new factory opened.



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