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What is IQ & EQ
While the IQ can measure concepts like logical reasoning, word knowledge and math skills, many feel it is not adequate in measuring creative abilities or emotional abilities. In fact, some with high IQ do not seem to be particularly adept at maintaining relationships or seem socially awkward at best.
For example IQ measurements on most children with autism are typically very high, yet it is well known that these children are burdened by their inability to communicate in other forums. Thus other tests may be administered to evaluate such a child’s ability according to other standardized testing methods.
Intelligence quotient testing is now not administered very frequently, since some feel it merely measures how well people do on IQ tests. Emotional quotient testing is becoming more popular in the workplace since some employers feel it will help predict how well potential employees might do in stressful circumstances.
Some educators and psychologists feel that neither EQ nor IQ testing presents the full picture of a human being. There are other types of intelligence, according to critics, that may be just as important. As well, standardized testing may oversimplify emotional intelligence and response.
Short EQ tests may also fail because people realize they are being tested on their emotional capabilities. While an IQtest may have one definitive answer for each question, people may not truthfully answer questions about their behaviors. So results may be skewed by what people believe they would like employers to know, rather than true responses to questions.Some psychologists further make distinction between emotional quotient and emotional intelligence.
Some feel that we are all born with innate emotional intelligence (EI) that may be perverted by growing up in difficult circumstances, such as an abusive home. However, stronger innate EI in people who have strayed from high emotional quotient might predict how well people from difficult backgrounds might be able to improve EQ.
Most agree that while emotional and intelligence quotient tests may be able to make some statements about an individual, they are too general to really sum up a person’s potential. This does not, however, discourage employers from using emotional quotient tests to make decisions regarding potential new hires to their companies.
情商是Emotional Quotient的英文缩写。汉语意思是:“情绪智慧”或“情绪智商”,简称情商。它代表的是一个人的情绪智力(Emotional Intelligence)的能力。简单来说,EQ是一个人自我情绪管理(self-emotion man agement)以及管理他人情绪的能力指数(capability index)。通常,在大型企业公司的面试上,都会测试情商。智商就是智力商数(intelligence quotation)。智力通常叫智慧,也叫智能。是人们认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的能力。智力包括多个方面,如观察力(observation ability)、记忆力(memory)、想象力(imagination)、分析判断能力(analysis and judgment capability)、思维能力(thinking ability)、应变能力(strain ability)等。智力的高低通常用智力商数(intelligence quotation)来表示,用以标示智力发展水平。



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