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雅思 口语话题童年玩具



Describe a toy that you received when you were a child

You should say:

What the toy was.

Who gave it to you

How you used this.

And explain how you felt when you got this toy

When I was a child, I received a Barbie doll as a gift from my father's friend. He bought the toy from the States.

I played with this Barbie doll almost every day. I begged my grandma to make clothes for her and dressed her like a princess or a super star. She was my favorite toy for a long time. I always put her besides my pillow.

I felt super happy when I received this Barbie doll. The doll had long hair, big eyes, and beautiful skirt. When I was a child, Barbie doll was very expensive and my parents couldn't afford to buy it, so Barbie doll had been a dream gift for me. To some extent, receiving the doll was a dream coming true. I saw it as a valuable gift and tried to keep it in a good shape. I also felt thankful for my father's friend who brought this happiness to me.



Describe something you learned in a place or from someone

You should say:

What it was

Where or who you got it

What the situation was

How you felt


这道话题卡有两个切入点可以入手,可以说地点也可以说是具体某个人。如果从地点来说,可以从最常见的某个学校中学到的事情着手,也可以从异国他乡获得的相关的不同的文化知识来讲。如果从单个人的角度来看,各位烤鸭不妨参考之前老烤鸭给出的有关人物相关的一些话题卡Describe someone who is knowledgeable 描述知识渊博的人 来找一些灵感。只要注意这两点选其一扣住题目,那么就不难展开陈述了。


Something I learned from someone was about some basic Vietnamese from a teacher of mine named Ellen who is a very professional language teacher trainer in the U.S.


Last year I got some training in language teaching from a certified professional trainer in Cambridge. One day morning in Sept., she gave us a language course about Vietnamese in Vietnamese which we didn’t have any knowledge about. Plus, she was very strict with us in terms of learning. So, I even got butterflies in my stomach and worried that I might not pick up anything about it because you know how hard it is for a beginner or even a learner with zero foundation to learn how to blurt out a sentence.


However, what happened next made us just can’t believe it’s real. Under some guidance using some gestures and facial expressions together with some realia, we managed to say some greetings and personal information in Vietnamese.


I felt it was one of the most memorable periods last time. Because you would imagine how magical it is when you had been able to pick up some Vietnamese in the class where only lessons taught in Vietnamese!


Since then on, She just became my role model in language teaching. I hope I could one day make a difference at least in my own little circle.



Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop


You should say:

What the service was

When and where it happened

Whom you were together with

How you felt about it

And explain why you think it was good service

Two years ago, I succeeded in returning a broken sweater to customer service at ABC store in Canada with my friend. I was very satisfied with the returning service there. It could be the best returning experience I've ever had.

I bought a sweater from ABC store two years ago and washed it immediately after buying it. However, I found it's broken after being washed on the same day. I took this sweater to the store, wishing I could return it by some luck because usually clothes couldn't be returned or exchanged after being washed. The lady was so nice. She apologized immediately after listening to my request. She said it's their quality problem and promised to refund in 3 business days. She apologized again for the poor quality and shopping experience. I didn't expect it could be solved so smoothly and easily. I would like to shop there again just for their great service.



1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? (Why?)

My favourite musical instrument to listen to is the guitar. I like the fact that there are different types of guitar, like classical, acoustic and electric. I love the variety of sounds a guitar can make.

2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

I took some guitar lessons when I was younger and still have a guitar at home. I don't play it much nowadays. I wish I had more time to practise.

3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?

Yes, I think it's a great skill and it's really enjoyable to be able to play a musical instrument. All children should be given this opportunity.

4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?

It would probably be more difficult without a teacher. You need someone to show you what to do and correct your mistakes. You need a lot of discipline to teach yourself.

5.If you could learn to play any musical instrument, what would you choose?

I think I'd probably go for the violin. It's such a beautiful instrument and I think the music that can be played on it can be really haunting and moving. Yes,I'd definitely choose that one.



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