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雅思 口语话题concert



Describe a concert you recently attended?

Whose concert was it?

What kind of music was it?

How was the whole experience?

What kind of music were they playing?

Did you enjoy?

I do not go to concerts that often, but when I was in my High school I used to attend a lot of concerts. I went to a concert in the last year of my high school. I famous singer came to our school to perform a concert. I had planned a dinner with my friends but when I found out that MUK was going to sing, I could not stop myself and I decided to stay for the concert.

The singer was good at singing Indian songs. At that time most people of my age wanted to listen rock music, but I was even a fan of good Indian music at that time. There were not many people who were in the band. There was a guitarist, pianist and a vocalist. I would even like to tell you that after that concert I even got the inspiration to become a singer. I joined a music academy and took some singing classes, but I was not able to pursue it as a full time career.

I was accompanied by some of my good friends. Overall the experience was simply spectacular. There was real good music played and moreover there was good food available over there. I spent 2 hours in a very good manner and I was able to listen to all the good songs which I liked. The experience of listening to them play live was really good.



Describe an interesting person you would like to meet

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person does

Why you think this person is interesting

And what you want to do with this person










说到有趣的人,我第一个想到是高晓松,我是高晓松的粉丝,虽然很想亲自去膜拜一下他(look up at),不过这个级别的大佬(Brother,Gangster)平时真的很难遇到的。高晓松曾经是一个歌手,他的校园民谣曾经风靡中国,那是我爸妈那个年代的事情了。原本觉得歌手唱歌很厉害,没想到在奇葩说这个节目里发现了高晓松幽默机智的一面,虽然他长得其貌不扬(Plain JaneUnpretty),但挡不住他才高八斗(a man of great talent )。

要说他怎么风趣幽默(have a fine sense of humour),因为他对自己颜值(face score)的自信,高晓松特别喜欢自拍(selfie),但那张脸真的是一言难尽(Really hard to describe),因为这个最近成了微博上的网红(cyber celebrity)。他在奇葩说里经常一语惊人(Amazing words),感觉和他这样的人在一起呆着,几个小时都不会感觉无聊。

如果有机会跟高晓松见面,我一定会问他要一个签名(sign one's name, signature)!合影(group photo)就算了(forget it )。



Describe a time when you received money as a present

You should say:

Who gave it

When you received it

What you did with it

How you felt about it


雅思口语part 2范文

Ok, well I’m quite lucky in the fact that I’ve received money as a gift on quite a number of occasions, so it was kind of difficult deciding on which one to talk about. And so in the end I thought it would be easiest just to tell you about the most recent occasion, which was my last birthday.


And the money that was given to me was from my grandparents, which is what they often tend to do for my birthday, because they said to me that it’s probably best that I choose something for myself which I know I’ll like, instead of them choosing something which I might have no interest in at all. So as you can imagine, I was super happy, and was also really grateful to my grandparents for being so generous.


Anyway, regarding what I did with the money, well first of all, I spent some of it on a few new books, because I’m a bit of a bookworm, if truth be told, and whenever I have some money to spare, the first place I normally head to is the bookshop.


So that’s one thing, and as for what I did with the rest of the money, which was actually still quite a considerable amount, well, I thought it would be nice to take my friends out for a meal somewhere and celebrate my birthday with them. So we all went to a hotpot restaurant in the city centre and had a really great time together, although I should add that I wasn’t feeling too great the next morning, because my friends had made me drink a ridiculous amount during the dinner, so it took me about a day to recover!


Anyway, I thankfully still had a bit of money left over, so I decided to just put it in the bank for safekeeping. And that’s pretty much it, so thanks for listening.



雅思口语Morning routine话题

Morning routine (new)

What do you do in the mornings?

Is breakfast important?

What is your morning routine?

Do you like to get up early in the morning?

What do you do in the mornings?


In general, I will listen to morning news after brushing teeth and washing face in the morning. I can quickly learn about news from different places, and I am particularly concerned about economic and political topics. Because I think it is interesting and increasing my knowledge. In addition, sharing these news with others can enhance my social skills.


Is breakfast important?


I really enjoy my breakfast. First, my thinking always is fuzzy in the morning. A good breakfast can bring enough energy to refresh. Second, breakfast is delicious. Bacon and eggs in the breakfast are especially delicious, especially Bacon is very crisp. Third,I can chat with family during breakfast. During breakfast, I can share some interesting things with my family to help me release the pressure.


What is your morning routine?


The first thing I do in the morning is to listen to the news. I can quickly know the news from different places, especially about economic and political topics. Then I run in the morning, because the park air is so fresh in the morning, and it boosts my immunity. Finally, I will have a good breakfast, which will bring me enough energy.


Do you like to get up early in the morning?


I usually wake up at 7:00 amso that Icouldhave enough time to run. Normally, the park air in the morning is so fresh that I can wake up as soon as possible, and running can boost my body's immunity at same time. In additional, I can spend extra time on reading book, because my degree of concentration will increase in the morning.




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