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雅思 口语地点类话题



首先是“地理位置和你去哪里做什么以及大概都什么时候去” (location + when/why go there),惯用的句式如下:

It’s only within walking distance of my home, so I always go there after school …

It’s located in the city center, so the traffic is super convenient, I mean, there are several buses that could take me there/it’s on several bus routes, and it’s also convenient to grab a taxi there.

It’s our favorite hangout.

It’s a magnet for tourists.

It’s a paradise for XXX lovers.

然后就是“外表”(appearance),包括装修和周围环境等(decoration /environment/ surroundings)。


I love to go there at the beginning of summer, when the blossom is out/the trees are in blossom.

It’s a green oasis in the heart of the city.

The greenery and flowers are just so attractive.或者各种fountain,running path也可以整上来。


The XX sets the main tone of the building. (XX可以是glazed tile roof, traditional Chinese plaque, brick wall等任何元素)

The color is grey/pink/red … , which is classical/eye-catching/easily recognizable/distinctive.

Its unique shape/architecture makes it the landmark of the city.

The automatic revolving door makes it really modern and advanced.

It has a history of over XX years but it’s well preserved.

It’s the former residence of …(名人故居) and the whole point of preserving the house was to commemorate the life of XX.

It’s a multi-functional building. + detail (service + environment)


The walls were adorned with paintings/wine racks.

The sweet /cozy atmosphere makes me feel at home.

There are calligraphy and photographs hanging on the walls.

The high-class wooden tables and oriental porcelains add a lot of Chinese flavor to the building.

There’s a wall specially designed for people to leave notes and draw pictures.

The crystal ceiling lamp / chandelier is really elegant and charming.


最后根据不同的地点,我们开始描述可做之事(activities),当然包含了other people 和你经常在此地做的活动。


可以先介绍一下entertainment facilities,包括bumper cars, pirate ship, entry-level roller coaster, Ferris wheel, square for playing roller skating等等,然后介绍人们的活动:In the morning, I could go for a jog on the running path, enjoying the quiet surroundings and refreshing air. 还可以walk the dogs and do morning exercise. 或者do some light reading on the park bench or just watch the world go by (to relax and watch people in a public place). 然后重点突出某一项喜欢的活动:The best part is I got to lie back (to do nothing except relax) on the hammock, watching the azure sky and listening to the beautiful singing of birds and rustle of trees.

最后的最后,如果还有剩余时间,我们可以说说special experience和feeling,常用的句式有:

It brings back wonderful memories.

Whenever I go there, I just can’t help thinking back to the day…

I couldn’t remember when was the last time that I had such a relaxing day with my parents/friends, so it was quite memorable.



1. How do Chinese people show politeness?


中国人如何展现礼貌?很多同学觉得这个题很难回答,因为有的同学觉得礼貌是出于对于他人的尊重,而是不是为了“展现”,另外还有很多同学的觉得除了说 “谢谢” 和“对不起”没有什么好说的。



尊称 address sb. respectfully

席位安排 seats arrangement

敬酒规则 toasting rules


Chinese people usually show politeness by saying THANK YOU and SORRY a lot, but I guess that is common in many other countries. We do have some special ways to show our respect. For instance, we would address people respectfully sometimes, when they are older, more experienced, in higher positions, or simply strangers. We would praise people a lot, admiring their achievements and experience. Another thing worth mentioning is the drinking culture in China. There are specific seats arrangement and toasting rules when people drink or have dinner. The rules might vary in different places, but they are equally important. So basically, we like to make others feel comfortable or respected.


2. Is there any difference between etiquette in cities and in small towns?


首先来说一下题目中的词汇,etiquette |ˈetɪket,-kət| 礼节,礼仪








婚礼 wedding

葬礼 funeral

隐私 privacy

个人空间 personal space

亲密 intimacy, closeness


Most etiquettes are quite similar, but there are several major differences. The first one is the closeness between people. In the cities, people tend to be more indifferent and remote. There are simply too many people, so it is really hard to maintain close relationship with all the people around you, so it is really very understandable. People in the small towns, on the other hand, are closer to each other. Another thing is that, people in the cities emphasis their privacy a lot. When they talk to each other, they prefer to keep certain personal space, and they do not like to be asked questions that are too personal, like salary, age, marriage. And there are many differences when people are holding weddings or funerals, but there is really complicated, and I do not quite understand it.



1. Which meal do you prefer, lunch or dinner?


对于meal的题常常会让考生讨论自己更喜欢哪一餐,但是很多考生很纠结到底应该选择哪一餐,也不知道该怎么去说,可能就直接会回答:“I have no idea which one I will choose“。然后等待考官继续发问。其实考生不用太纠结说哪一餐更好,只要可以说出相应的原因就可以了。


I like lunch better. That’s usually the one meal where I have a little bit of time. It’s also the one where I tend to go out because of being at university or office all day.


I would say dinner. Because dinner is the last meal of the day, and we are all tired out from a whole day of work or study, and finally sit down and have a nice meal, it’s just heavenly. Lunch is often too hasty to be enjoyable, since we still have a lot to do for another half day.


另外,我们可以对于形容食物好的词语进行替换,比如说:tasty, nice, amazing, awesome 等等,这样就可以避免考生们在形容食物的时候经常会用到的delicious这个词。

2. Which meal of the day do you think is most important?


大多数考生对于这道题的回答都会是breakfast. 因为很多健康指南上都说到:“早餐是一天当中最重要的一餐。“当然只说这样一句是不够的,原因还是要解释。我们可以讲每天早晨从sweet dream 美梦中醒来有一整天的事儿等着我们去做,那么一顿健康的早餐可以为我们的一天来pump up打打气,所以早餐是一天中最重要的。我们可以这样回答:

I think it would be breakfast. That’s how they say on every health guide, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Apparently you just wake up from your sweet dream and a whole day of work awaits you, it’s very important to have a healthy breakfast to pump you up for the day.



3. What do you usually eat for breakfast or lunch?


如果对于这道题考生提前准备了相关食物的内容会更好,如果没有搜集到食物的名称,最好找自己会说的内容来讲,例如说eggs, bread, milk等等。而不是一定要按照自己的实际情况来讲不会的词语,有些考生想说“豆腐脑”,“油条”之类的内容,如果没有这些表达,不仅会影响了流利程度而且还自我提升了本题的难度。所以,建议考生依据已有词汇和表达作答。我们可以说:

For breakfast I usually have eggs of some sort, some bread and a glass of milk. And sometimes I eat some fruit like apples or bananas.


如果考生仍然想扩展内容,我们可以积累以下常作为早餐食物的说法:muffin 松饼 orange juice 橙汁 soy milk 豆奶

4. Do you like cooking (or preparing your own meals)?


对于这道题考生可以有两个方向的回答。如果答案是喜欢就可以直接说:“I absolutely love to cook!”,因为这是一个很好的放松和培养创造力的方式,还可以说说开始学习烹饪的时间,人或者说是否有相关的书籍等等。答案就可以是:

I absolutely love to cook! It’s a great way to relax and be creative. I have so many cooking books, and I started learning to cook at 3 years old from Grandma.

那么如果选择说no, 理由可以说自己是一个很lousy很糟糕的厨子。因为不喜欢做饭,所以也没有什么经验。但是今后自己还是会学how to cook。答案就可以说:

No, because I’m a lousy cook. I haven’t had much cooking experience yet, so far now, I can’t cook. I really want to cook though, so maybe I will like to prepare my own meals when I learn how to cook.



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