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  How many people are in your family?
  Do you have brothers or sisters?
  If you are the only child in the family, do you want to have a brother or a sister? Why?
  Who usually does the housework or cooking?
  How do you contribute to your family?
  Do you think it is good or bad to have only one child in the family?
  Who cooks in your family?
  Is there anything needs to change in your family?
  How important is family to you?


Who cooks in your family?
  My Mom is born for cooking and she has been serving us dinners and lunches for almost 16 years. My Dad said he was not bad yet he was too busy to show his talent.
  亮点1 My Mom is born for cooking:我老妈就是为了烹饪美食而生的!
  亮点2 yet he was too busy to show his talent:但是他太忙了,没时间来展示他的才华。这句话主要是让各位体会一下用不同的词来替换头脑当中的一些“口水词”。很多同学反应用but有点用吐了,在这里用yet替代;此外,用show his talent来代替cook for us也是因为前面已经用过这个单词了。

Do you think it is good or bad to have only one child in the family?
  For a typical middle class Chinese family, one child is quite enough. It is much easier for parents to provide the best education and care about their kids. As for now, a person who wants to go far in China needs a longterm education investment. I don't think parents in China can handle two or more children.
  亮点1 middle class:中产阶级。上层社会就是top class; top也有高级的,很好的意思。
  亮点2 go far:有出息。其实英语在很多地方也是有引申意味的,看来有出息就是走得远,这是个全世界的人都认同的概念啊。
  亮点3 long-term:长期的。



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