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1 旅游方式
adventure travel 探险旅游   business travel 公务旅行
coach/greyhound travel巴士旅游   cycling tour骑自行车旅游
cruise乘船巡游   excursion / outing短途旅游
exploring travel探索旅游  extreme travel极限旅游
guided tour有导游带领的旅游   motorbike travel摩托车旅游
package tour随团旅行   solo/independent travel自助旅游
backpack travel背包旅行/自助旅行  bush walking丛林徒步旅游
camping露营   charter tour租车/租船旅游
driving tour自驾游   expedition考察.远征
exotic travel异域旅游   eco-tourism生态旅游
leisure travel休闲观光   outbound tourism/travel出境游
self-guided tour自助游   walking tour徒步旅行

amazing令人惊奇的   breath-taking惊人的
deserted荒芜的  enchanting / charming I alluring / fascinating迷人的.
spectacular壮观的   soothing令人放松的
ancient monument古迹   emperor's mausoleum陵墓
cave洞穴   fascinating scenery迷人的景色
hot travel spot 黄金景点  historical relics历史遗迹
natural splendor 自然景观  natural landscape自然风光
places of interest旅游胜地  summer resort避暑胜地
tourist attraction旅游胜地   unearthed cultural relics出土文物
appealing吸引人的   isolated人迹罕至的
delightful令人愉悦的   refreshing宜人的
hot travel route黄金线路  stalagmite石笋
historical and cultural heritage历史文化遗产.
landscape of lakes and hills湖光山色  national park国家公园
picturesque views景色如画   resort度假地
scenic spots / places of attraction旅游景点.  stalactite钟乳石
traditional architect 传统建筑   vacation destination休假目的地
ancient architectural complex古建筑群
surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other依山傍水
famous Buddhist mountain佛教名山

bay海湾   basin盆地
foothill山麓小丘  highland高地.高原
island岛屿   plain平原,旷野
rainforest雨林   harbour海港
seashore海岸   beach海滩
desert沙漠   grassland草原
islet小岛   jungle丛林
port港口   stream小溪
seaside海滨   sands沙滩

travel agency旅行社
guidebook / itinerary旅行指南
journey / trip / tour旅行
traveller's cheque旅行支票

1) Travel cleanses the mind,touches the soul and lightens the heart.
2) Travel can mean new friends and re-connecting with that old one, yourself.
3) Travel makes us relax and take life easy.

4) Travel meets our desire to discover and explore.
5) Travel offers one long night-on-the-town, and an escape from the monotony of our daily lives.
6) Travel offers us a chance to learn about the history and past culture by visiting museumsarchaeological sites or old towns, forts and other such kind of places.

7) Travel helps children increase road and personal safety awareness.
8) Walking or cycling travel helps children improve health and fitness.
9) Travel also improves children's life and social skills.

1)优点(The Pros)
·Solo travel is the quickest and easiest way to develop your independence.
.Being alone on the road focuses your energies and attention. It intensifies the travel experience.
Without the distractions of a group or a companion, your antennae are always up.
.Whether in a forest or a crowd, the single traveller can watch, listen, and learn with a minimumof disruption.
.The solitude on the road urges you to reach out to make local contacts. You can gain insightsimpossible to extract from guidebooks.
.In addition to encouraging you to open up, your solitary status often encourages others to make

2)缺点(The Cons).
The package tour is potential for superficial visits or for moving on too quickly to the next place.
·There is a lack of free time to rest or for independent exploring.
·Chances are that you'll get stuck with incompatible travelling companions.
·There is no flexibility to change travel plans along the way.
·If you travel alone, you have to be your own guide.
.You may have to handle foreign languages and currency without help.
.The safety and security will be the biggest problem.




勤学培训网 雅思学习 雅思高分写作话题:关于旅游