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  Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same ,and they do not change their usual habits. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
  It has been said that man is largely a creature of habit. We all develop routines and habits in our everyday lives, whether we are aware of it or not. To some people these routines are very important and even a small change, such as missing the morning paper, can affect the way they feel all day. Other people dislike routine and change their habits often. These two different approaches to life are extremes,but each has advantages and disadvantages.
  In the first case, a dependency on routines and habits can provide a sense of security and convenience.Routines provide security because people do not have to wonder what will happen. In this rapidly changing world, it is sometimes reassuring to have a schedule to follow. Habits also make life more convenient because people do not have to think about what they must do next and do not need to worry about forgetting something. They can go through their daily routines automatically.
  In the second case, people seem to thrive on change. First of all, this kind of person is usually more open to new ideas. He can, therefore, learn more and experience more. In addition, because he is not afraid to make changes in his life and take risks, he is more willing to take advantage of unexpected opportunities.This may lead him to a previously unforeseen success.
  In my opinion, both of these lifestyles are extremes. Most people are not so dependent on their habits,nor are they addicted to change. For me, a lifestyle somewhere between these two is ideal. I find some habits and routines comforting and convenient, yet I do not want to be afraid to face changes or take advantage of unforeseen chances to improve my life. Therefore, I will continue to follow my routine in daily life, but keep my eyes open for opportunities.



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