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  Exposure to international media such as films, TV and magazines has a significant impact on local cultures. What do you think has been the impact? Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(考题重现:2006-11.25)。
  核心词汇:international media, local cultures。
  When the 2010 Shanghai Expo opened, the whole world could watch the opening ceremony live. 1 With the great help of telecommunication, the media company worldwide dominates the large amount of audience ratings. Personally, this has both helpful and harmful implications on local culture.
  On the one hand, the advantages of international media groups are so obvious that they can be summarized into two sections:Opening to the outside and accepting global media lead to a more opened situation that the local media companies can follow world standards when their experience does not match the demand of the audience, and then they can also create some updated but local-cultured programs with the help from all over the world. ? In addition, the boom of TV programs worldwide enables the audience to enjoy a more colorful life without travelling around the globe. In other words, the healthy competition from the higher levels boosts the advance of local TV stations, which benefits the local audience at the same time.
  However, on the other hand, we cannot ignore the damages that the invasion of international groups bring about a Firstly,because of the cultural shock, it is certain that global companies cannot melt into the local lives with ease. Take cooking programs for example, a survey conducted in 2008 revealed that 75.2% of the Chinese audience watched western cooking TV programs as a just-watching but none-doing thing in their leisure time. Secondly, the fast development of huge companies will easily crush the local TV stations whose facilities are low-leveled and whose funds are insufficient. T.Without those local TV programs, the local customs and traditions will never be preserved from generation to generation, for the youth get into the habit of watching customs from TV but not reading books.
  All in all, although international culture may have some damages to local TV stations, the local media should learn from the outside instead of being afraid of outside. Only in this way can the local and then the international groups preserve local culture.



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