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  A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Vincent Smith from the Atlantic Company,Boston?
  B: Yes ,this is Vincent Smith.
  A: Hello. Mr. Smith. Welcome to Beijing! I'm Wang Xing, and I am a manager in the Marketing Department. Our company has as-
  signed me to accompany you during your stay here.
  B: How do you do? It's very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport.
  A: Not at all. I hope you had a good flight.
  B: Good. No holdups at the airport,and the flight was comfortable.
  A: I'm glad to hear that. Do you have jet lag?
  B: Yes. A little bit. I always get bad jet lag when I travel abroad.
  A: In that case, let me see you to the hotel first,and I wish you'd get refreshed after a hot shower.
  B: It's very thoughtful of you, Mr. Wang.
  A: By the way, I have an apology to make on behalf of our director,Mr. Zhang Ya. He has some unexpected business to attend to and will be engaged the whole afternoon. He regrets he won't be able to meet you here, but he'd be glad to have dinner with you at 7 o'clock tonight at Beijing Grand Hotel.
  B :Thank you for the kind invitation and I will meet him at dinnertime then.
  A: 请问,您是从波士顿太平洋公司来的文森特·史密斯先生吗?
  B: 是的,我是文森特·史密斯。
  A: 您好,史密斯先生。欢迎来到北京!我是王兴,是公司营销部的主管。公司派我做您在北京期间的陪同。
  B: 您好!您能来机场接我真是太客气了。
  A: 这没什么,您的旅行很愉快吧。
  B: 不错。没有在机场滞留,行程也很舒适。
  A: 我真为您高兴。您会不会不太适应时差?
  B: 是的。有一点。我每次旅行都很难适应时差。
  A: 既然是这样,我先送您去旅馆吧,但愿您洗个热水澡后有个好精神。
  B: 您想得太周到了,王先生。
  A: 顺便说一下,我们的总管张亚先生让我代表他向您表示歉意。他今天突然有些事情要处理,整个下午都腾不出时间来。对于不能到这儿来接您,他表示抱歉。不过,他今晚7点请您在北京贵宾楼饭店吃晚餐。
  B: 谢谢他诚挚的邀请,那么,我就在晚餐时间与他会面了。



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