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在家就餐常用的英语口语有这些:Have the breakfast been ready?早餐做好了吗?How do you like steak for supper?你想晚餐吃点牛排吗?What vegetable and meat do we have?我们还有什么蔬菜和肉类?



Here's to your health.为你的健康干杯。

Here's to our getting together.为我们的久别重逢干杯。

What would you like for breakfast?早餐你先想吃什么?

Have the breakfast been ready?早餐做好了吗?

Would you like some fruits for lunch?午餐来点水果怎么样?

What about vegetable soup for lunch?午餐来点蔬菜汤怎么样?

How do you like steak for supper?你想晚餐吃点牛排吗?

What vegetable and meat do we have?我们还有什么蔬菜和肉类?

It's good for us to keep the diet balance.保持饮食平衡对我们是好的。

I'm soon starved.我快要饿死了。


Can I have a bag of peanut?我可以要一袋花生吗?

Do you have any pork?你这有猪肉吗?

What's the price for chicken chest?鸡胸怎么卖?

Are shrimps in season at this moment?虾当季吗?

How much is the celery?芹菜怎么卖?

The broccoli isn't fresh at all.这个西蓝花一点也不新鲜。

The seafood is a little too expensive.这个海鲜有点太贵了。

What part of the lamb is this?这是羊的哪一部分?

How many red peppers would you like?你想要多少红辣椒?

That's exactly ten dollars.刚好10美元。


Do you know how to cook?你会做菜吗?

Please mix the suger, spices and soy sauce in a bowl.请把糖,辣椒和酱油倒在一个碗里调匀。

She sliced the onion and put it in the beef stew.她将洋葱切片放入炖牛肉中。Shall we give them poached salmon as a starter?咱们做个水煮三文鱼给他们当开胃菜吧。

What would you like as a starter?您第一道菜想来点什么?

You'd better mash the potatoes with a fork.你最好用叉子把马铃薯捣碎成泥。

I'll peel the vegetables and you chop them.我择菜,然后你切。

His job was to peel potatoes.他的工作是削马铃薯皮。

Do you prefer plain boiled rice or fried rice?你喜欢吃白米饭还是炒饭?Just use a very small amount of oil.只要放一点点油就行。



勤学培训网 关于在家吃饭的英语口语-买菜口语-煮饭口语