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  1.Is there anything the matter with you?
  2.Aren't you feeling well?
  3.Are you feeling all right?
  4.What's the matter?
  5.You don't look well.
  6.You look rather pale.
  7.You look rather tired.
  8.Your face looks flushed.You look as if you had a fever.

  1 .A:I feel terrible today. I ate too much last night and my stomach doesn't feel well at all.
  B: You should take something for it.

  2. A:This pain in my head is terrible.
  B. Let me get you some aspirin.
  A:Thanks. That's just what I need.

  3. A:I'm not going to school today. I've got to see the dentist. My tooth is really bothering me.
  B: Oh,that's too bad.

  4. A:I think I'll stay in bed today. I think I hurt myself carrying those bags in the weekend. My back is killing me.
  B: Can I give you a massage? Maybe that will help.
  A:Oh yeah,thanks. I will try anything.

  5. A:How do you feel?
  B: Sorry,I can't talk.
  A:Let me get you some hot lemon tea. That should help.
  B: Thanks.

  6. A: I need to go to the drugstore. I have a bad cold, and my head is all stuffed up.
  B, Oh,that's too bad. I hope you feel better soon.

  7. A:How are you feeling today? Do you still have a bad headache?
  B: No,it's gone. I feel much better.

  8. A:Do you still have a sore throat, Bob?
  B: Yes, I do. And now I have a fever and a headache,too.
  A:Oh,that's too bad.-

  9. A:How is your backache? Is it still bothering you?
  B: I'm afraid so. Now I can't move. I have to see a doctor I think.

  10. A:How are you feeling today? Do you still have an upset stomach?
  B: No, I'm much better. Thanks. My stomach problem is gone.




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