勤学教育网合作机构> > 广州美联英语欢迎您!




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  1、invitations 发出邀请
  你想跟我们一起去远足吗?Would you like to join us in the trip?
  你想和我们共进晚餐吗?Do you interested in having dinner with us?
  愿意出去喝一杯吗? Do you feel like going out for a drink?

  ►feel like doing想要;意欲
  你愿意和我们喝咖啡吗? Do you fancy joining us for coffer?
  这个周末去爬山吧,或者去海边也可以。 We may go and climb the mountain or go to the seaside this weekend.
  明天早晨去公园散步吗?Shall we go for a walk in the park tomorrow morning?
  这个寒假来我们家住一段时间吧。Please come and stay with my family in this winter vacation.

  不知道你能不能来我家参加聚会。I'm wondering if you'd like to come to my home gathering.
  我周日举办一个晚餐宴会,你也来参加吧。I'm going to hold a dinner party on Sundaynight. Can you come over and join us?

  我想请你参观我的新房子。I'd very much like you to come and visit my new house.
  I'd like to invite you to a show.
  你想跟我们一起去参加聚会吗? Do you want to come to the party with us?
  我非常希望您能加入到我们中来。.'d very much like you to join us.

  2、Where and When 确定时间,地点
  我们在哪里见呢? Is there a good place to meet?
  什么时间对你来说合适? When is it convenient for you?
  你什么时候方便? What is a good time for you?

  我五点等你好吗?.May I except you at five?
  你什么时候能够来这里? When is good for you to come here?
  我星期五有空。 I'm free on Friday.

  什么时间都行,只有要你有时间。Whenever you are free.
  下周什么时候都可以。 Anytime in the next week is fine.
  我明天一整天都有空。 I'm free all day tomorrow.

  我明天下午4点以后就有空了。1will be free after 4 tomorrow afternoon.
  你在9点的时候是否有空? Do you happen to be free at nine o'clock?
  你明天有事吗? Have you got anything to do tomorrow?
  我们约在6点好吗? Let's make it six clock.

  3、Cancelling the date 取消或更改约会
  真对不起,我有其他事情要处理。I'm sorry. I have something else to attend to.
  可以把会议推到后天吗?Could we postpone our meeting to the day after tomorrow?
  我今天下午非常忙,改天好吗?I'm fully occupied this afternoon. How about another day?

  我想可不可以把约会时间改一下。 I wonder if it's convenient to change our appointment.
  假如你不介意的话,推迟一周吧。If you don't mind, we may put it off for one week.
  明天早上预定满了,后天可以吗? Tomorrow morning is all booked up;will the day after tomorrow afternoon be OK?
  我明天下午时间订满了,改天好吗, I'm full booked tomorrow afternoon.How about another day?

  把会议时间推到星期四怎么样啊? How about changing the time of meeting to Thursday?
  我恐怕得晚一点,有很多事要处理 I'm afraid I'll be a bit late. So many things to deal with.
  换个时间和地点行吗? Can we change the time and place?

  我们可以晚点见面吗?我不太舒服。Can we make it a little later? I feel under the weather.
  能把见面地点由肯德基换成麦当劳吗? Can we meet at McDonald's instead of KFC?
  早点来不是更好吗? Would't it be better to come a little earlier?
  很抱歉,她今天不能赴约。 I'm sorry she can't keep the appointment with you today.

  4、Keeping an apppintment 赴约
  我5点左右开车来接你。I'll come around at 5 o'clock to pick you up.
  你整整迟到了1小时,发生什么事情了?You're late about an hour. What happened?
  要去赴约了,穿什么好呢? I'm going to met someone. What should I wear?

  这次吃饭,各付各的。 This dinner will be a Dutch treat.
  今天吃饭我请客吧 I'll pay the bill of today's dinner.
  请喝茶,别拘束。 Please have a cup of tea, and make yourself at home.
  不用客气,请自便。 Help yourself!




勤学培训网 英语口语短期:关于聚会