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看戏剧 英语



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  1.When is the show or the end?何时上演或结束?
  Are there any plays in the theater of this town?
  Is there a play tonight?/What is playing at the Today Theater now?
  What time will the play get out?/What time is the play over?
  When does the play begin?/What time does the door open?
  How long will the play run?
  Will it be long before the performance begins?
  Is the performance going on now?

  2.Buying tickets买票
  Where can I buy tickets?/Do you sell tickets in advance?
  What is the admission?/I would like a ticket for next Saturday.
  Will you buy two tickets for classical plays?
  The advance tickets for classical plays are very popular.
  Is the admission included in the tour fare?

  3.Asking for ticket索票
  There are two performances a day.
  Please give me two tickets for the matinee.
  Can I get tickets for tonight's performance?

看戏剧 英语
  Are there any good seats?/I would like two tickets in the balcony.
  Do you have any seats on the ground floor?
  Is there a cover charge?/Please show me to my seat.
  Which is the entrance to this seat?/May I sit here?

  How long are the intermissions?
  There is an interval of thirty minutes.
  Let's go to the lobby and rest there for a while./Let's go to the foyer.
  Shall we go to the dining room during this intermission?

  6.Talk about drama谈论戏剧
  How do you like the theater?/Have you ever seen a classical play?
  Who are the stars in the play?
  Who do you think is the best actor in China?
  The costumes are very beautiful./The stages are splendid.

  Todd:Are you OK?你还好吗?
  May:I'm fine. I'm just so touched by the sad story.我没事。我只是被那个悲伤的故事感动了。

  Todd:So I can say now that you must have enjoyed the opera. Which scene is your favorite?那么我敢说你一定很喜欢这场歌剧。你喜欢哪一幕呢?
  May:I love them all. But if I had to name one as the best, I would say it's the ending.我都喜欢。但是如果一定要说一幕喜欢的,我觉得是结尾的那一幕。

  Todd:What's it about?You know, I couldn't help falling asleep.它是怎样的?你知道,我忍不住睡着了,所以没有看到。
  May:Did you?I didn't notice that. But still you should know it, for you have seen it with Laura before.是吗?我没有注意到。但是你还是应该知道的啊,因为你以前和罗拉一起看过。

  Todd:I guess I've done the same thing last time I was here with her, too.I mean falling asleep. For me, this one is not that attractive.上次和她来这里的时候也做了相同的事情。我是指睡着的事。对我来讲,这出戏不是那么有吸引力。
  May:Then I doubt if you like operas.那么我就怀疑你是否喜欢歌剧了。

  Todd:Yes. I like Carmen very much.But I don't mind if you want to tell me about this one.喜欢。非常喜欢歌剧“卡门”。但是我也不介意你告诉我这部歌剧的内容。

以上是广州汉普森英语培训整理的看戏剧 英语全部内容。


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