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托福TPO9口语task4题目 Reading Part:

The Establishing Shot

Film directors use different types of camera shots for specific purposes. An establishing shot is an image shown briefly at the beginning of a scene, usually taken from far away, that is used to provide context for the rest of the scene.

One purpose of the establishing shot is to communicate background information to the viewer, such as the setting where and when the rest of the scene will occur. It also establishes the mood or feeling of the scene. Due to the context that the establishing shot provide, the characters and events that are shown next are better understood by the viewer.

托福TPO9口语task4题目 Listening Part:

Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a film class.

(male) The other day I went to this great new movie. And one of the scenes in particular I thought was really set up nicely. At the start of the scene, before the action and talking things started, you saw on the movie screen an image of a city. You could tell it was a big city. There were lots of buildings, tall ones, skyscrapers, and the cars and signs on the city streets looked old fashioned, like they were from the past, like the 1940s.

The other thing I noticed right away from this first image, just when the scene started, was that the city seemed gloomy. You couldn’t see much because it was, well, it was mostly darkness rather than sunlight. And there was only just little bit of light from street lamps. On top of that, it was raining and kind of foggy.

All of these details were together to create a dark, gloomy, mysterious feeling. So then, when the action started and it showed detectives talking to each other in the office, I already knew that the office was located in a tall building, in a big city, sometime in the 1940s. And I had a good idea that the events that’d be taking place would be pretty dark and mysterious because of the shot, the image I saw at the beginning of the scene.

托福TPO9口语task4题目 Question:

Using the professor ’s example, explain what an establishing shot is and how it is used.


1. Reading key

(1.1) Term: Establishing Shot

(1.2) Definition: An establishing shot is an image shown briefly at the beginning of a scene that is used to provide context for the rest of the scene.

2. Listening key

(2.1) Describing the shot

(2.1.1) City; tall buildings; old fashioned cars and signs on the street; raining; gloomy; only a bit of light from street lamps; everything’s dark and mysterious

(2.2) How does the shot reflect on the audience

(2.2.1) The story happens in a big city during the 1940’s; what’s about to happen is moody and mysterious


The professor talks about establishing shot in the lecture which is a shot used to provide context for the rest of the scene. And he uses a new movie as an example. In one scene, before the action and talking started, an image of a cityis shown to the audience to provide context. Things in the city looked old fashioned, and the city itself was gloomy and dark. And it was raining too, and kind of foggy, all these elements worked together to create a mysterious feeling.

So when the action started, the audience would get the idea that the story of the movie takes place in a big city during the 1940s, and the rest of the movie will be very mysterious and dark.







[名词解释]Chemical disguise:小动物释放化学物质迷惑predators。


[Question] 用Starfish的例子解释对这个概念的理解。


Chemical disguise,猎物释放迷惑捕猎者的气味,教授举了一个瞎眼的鱼和它的猎物用草的气味来迷惑它



阅读标题:Ecological trap


听力例子:例如Mayfly一般在水中产卵,他们会依赖太阳在水中的反射来判断是胡泊还是地面,而最近很多的mayfly 在paved pebble 上产卵,就是因为paved pebble 通过阳光折射的模式和水面折射的模式相似。

答题关键词:(D) The principle of chemical disguises suggests that animals may alter their chemicals in their body, therefore changing the smell of themselves, avoiding being hunted by their predators. (E) Starfish preys on smaller sea creatures; these smaller sea creatures eat a lot of grass; their body smell changes; they smell more like plants rather than animals; the smell confuse starfish which don’t have eyes; smaller animals therefore avoid being hunted.







[名词解释]illusion Control:people think they can make a difference or control the events that ctually occurred by accident.

例子:讲的例子是一个study。researchers set up a game。两组人,每人桌上有一个switch和一个lighting, 两者间没有关系。


[Question] 用Study的例子解释对这个概念的理解。


Q4:让两组人play game,flip switch然后会randomly亮灯。一组不给钱,第二组亮灯会给钱,给钱的那组相信亮灯和flip之间有connection。然后说明阅读里的一个心理趋向。


illusion Control

是一种tendency: people think they can make a difference or control the events that are actually occured by accident (大概是这样吧)

讲的例子是一个study。researchers set up a game。两组人,每人桌上有一个switch和一个lighting,两者间没有关系。








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