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可可・香奈儿是著名的时尚女王,20世纪最重要的服装设计师,永久性创造了妇女时尚的新纪元,著名品牌“香奈儿5号”香水的开创者。香奈儿的产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品、配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。 在欧美,拥有典雅的香奈儿时装,不仅曾是很多上班族女性的首选,也是总统夫人和明星名媛们的追求。那么,香奈儿用英语怎么读呢?
About Chanel
Fashion Designer Gabrielle Coco Chanel was born in Saumur, Southern France. She began by designing hats, first in Paris in 1908, and later in Deauville.
Her fashion boutiques (one in Paris and one in Deauville) opened simultaneously in 1914. She opened an haute couture salon in Biarritz in 1916, and in 1920 moved to Paris in the present quarters on rue Cambon. Ready to wear fashions were not introduced until 1978, after Coco’s death.
Chanel was famous for popularizing practical clothes, including pants for women, little black dresses, and box like collarless jackets with bias edging and brass buttons. Her first fabrics included wool jersey, which was comfortable and easy fitting, but was not considered suitable for fashionable clothes. Traditional Chanel accessories include multiple strands of pearls and gold chains, quilted handbags, sling back pumps in ivory with black toes, quilted handbags with shoulder straps made of gold chain, and gardenias. She liked to mix imitation jewels with real jewels and often combined massive amounts with sportswear.
Chanel’s business was interrupted by World War I and again in 1939 at the beginning of World War II, after which it did not reopen until 1953.
After her death in her Paris apartment in 1971, first her assistant designers, Gaston Berthelot and Ramon Esparza, and then her assistants Yvonne Dudel and Jean Cazaubon designed the couture (1975-1983). Philippe Guibourge became the ready to wear designer. Karl Lagerfeld took over haute couture design in 1983 and ready to wear design in 1984. He rehashes her trademark styles annually in various fabrics.



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