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中餐是享誉全球的美食之一,它有以下几个特点:1. 由于我国多数人在饮食上受宗教的禁忌约束较少,而人们在饮食上又喜欢猎奇,讲究物以稀为贵,所以中餐的选料非常广泛,几乎是飞、潜、动、植,无所不食。2. 原料加工上,中餐厨师非常讲究刀工,可以把原料加工成细小的丝、丁、片、末等刀口。3. 烹调上,中餐做菜一般使用的圆底锅、明火灶非常适宜炒菜,所以中餐中使用炒的烹调方法非常多。4. 口味上,中餐菜肴大都有明显的咸味,并富于变化,多数菜肴都是完全熟后再食用。5. 主食上,中餐有明确的主、副食概念,主食有米、面等多种制品。那么,中餐的英语怎么说呢?
A:It's very nice of you to invite me.A:你真是太好了,请我来做客。B:I'm very glad you could come,Mr.Liu.Will you take a seat at the head of the table?It's an informal dinner,please don't stand on ceremony...Mr.Liu,Please have some chicken.B:刘先生,您能来我很高兴,请上坐好吗?这是一次家常便饭,请大家别客气。刘先生,请吃点鸡肉吧。A:Thanks.A:谢谢。
A:Sorry to have kept you waiting,sir.Here's your Whitebait Fish Thick Soup.A:对不起让您久等了,先生。这是您的鲱鱼浓汤。B:It's delicious.What's this?B:味道不错。这是什么?A:It's whitebait fish from the Taihu Lake.A:这是来自太湖的鲱鱼。B:Ah,the fish is boneless and transparent.B:啊,这鱼没有骨头,而且是透明的。A:Yes,and it's nutritious.Excuse me,here's the instantboiled white shrimp.Please enjoy yourselves.A:是的,它的营养价值很高。对了,这是用快火煮的小白虾,请慢用。B:Thank you.B:谢谢。
A:What's your specialty today?A:今天特价菜是什么?B:Fish and pickle soup.B:榨菜鱼汤。A:Is it spicy?A:辣吗?B:A little bit. There is black pepper in it.B:有一点儿。里面放了些黑胡椒。A:That's okay, as long as there is no chili in it.A:好吧。只要里面没有辣椒。C:Why, you don't like chili? Without chili nothing has much taste.C:为什么,你不喜欢吃辣椒?没有辣椒菜不会很香的。
A:Can you manage chopsticks?A:你能用筷子吗?B:Why not? See. (He shows off his skill.)B:为什么不能?看。(他展示了一下他的技术。)A:Good mastery. How do you like our Chinese food?A:好功夫。你觉得我们中国食物怎么样?B:Oh, great! It's delicious. You see, I'm already putting on weight. B:太好了,真好吃。你看,我都发福了。
A:This is my first time to come to a Chinese restaurant.Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food?A:这是我第一次来中餐馆,请给我讲讲中国菜的不同特色好吗?B:Generally speaking,Cantonese food is a bit light;Shanghai food is rather oily;and Hunan dishes are very spicy,having a strong and hot taste.B:一般来讲,广东菜清淡一些,上海菜比较油腻,湖南菜香味浓,辣味很重。A:Chinese dishes are exquisitely prepared,delicious,and very palatable.They are very good in colour,flavour,and taste.A:中国菜做得很精细可口、美味,色、香、味俱全。
A:There is one thing I don't like however, MSG.A:就是有一样,不太喜欢味精。B:What's wrong with MSG? It helps to bring out the taste of the food.B:味精怎么了?它可以使人吃起来津津有味。A:According to some studies it may cause cancer.A:一些研究表明,它可能引起癌症。B:Oh, don't let that worry you. If that was true, China would't have such a large population.B:噢,不要担心。如果那是真的,中国就不会有这么多人了。A:I just have a question for you guys. Why do the Chinese cook the vegetables? You see what I mean, most vitamin are destroyed when heated.A:我正有一个问题要问你们,为什么中国人都把蔬菜炒熟啊?我是说,当加热的时候,大部分维生素都被破坏了。B:I don't know exactly. It's a tradition. Maybe it's for sanitary reasons.B:我不太知道。这是一个传统,或许是由于卫生的原因吧。
A:Mr.Wang,would you care for another helping?A:王先生,再来一点吧?B:No more,thank you.I'm quite full.B:不啦,谢谢。我已经够饱了。A:Did you enjoy the meal?A:您吃得怎么样?B:It's the most delicious dinner I've had for a long time.It's such a rich dinner.B:好久没有吃过这样美味的饭菜了。这顿饭菜太丰盛了。A:I'm so glad you like it.A:你能喜欢,我不胜荣幸。B:Thank you very much for your hospitality.B:谢谢你的盛情款待。



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