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A:I really hate to say this,but don't go away mad,just go away.A:我很讨厌这样说,但是请你默默地走开,好吗?B:I knew this would happen someday.B:我知道事情迟早会发生的。A:Then,why didn't you try to prevent it in the beginning?A:那么,为什么不事先预防呢?B:Well,It's not all my fault,Ann.You are responsible,too.B:安,那不全是我的错,你也有责任啊。A:I don't want to argue anymore.Please get out of my life.A:我不想再争辩了。请从我的生命中消失!
A:What a drag! I got that “Let's just be good friends”line again. A:真是倒霉!又有人跟我说“让我们只做朋友”了。 B: Too bad! I almost thought you had something. B: 太糟了!我差点以为你们有戏呢。 A:Well,it's over,anyway.Time to find some new. A: 得了,不管怎样,这次算是完了。该找个新的了。 B:Good luck,buddy. B:伙计,祝你好运。
A:Hi,Jack,we're having a party tonight,wanna come join us? You can bring your girlfriend. A:嗨,杰克,我们今晚有个聚会,要不要来?你可以带上你的女朋友。 B:Well...I'm breaking up with Mary. B:嗯……我和玛丽闹分手呢。 A:What happened? Did you have a fight? A:发生什么了?你们吵嘴了? B:No.She's really a very nice girl... B:没有。她确实是个好女孩。 A:Yeah,she is.She's pretty,caring,and easygoing.And she's great cook! A:她的确是。她漂亮,体贴,还很好相处。还有她能做一手好菜! B: You're right. B:你说得对。
A:I want to break up!A:我想和你分手。B:Hey,come on! It's too early to say that.We still have a lot of time to think about our relationship?B:嘿,别这样!你未免言之过早。我们还有足够的时间考虑两人之间的关系。A:Oh,do we? How would you fix our relationship?A:噢!是吗?你想如何补救我们之间的关系?B:I'm sorry.Please forgive me.B:对不起,原谅我吧!A:That's not enough!A:光道歉是不够的。B:Oh,Lily,please! I promise I'll never let it happen again.B:求求你,莉莉,我发誓绝不让旧事重演。A:Let me think about it.A:让我再考虑一下吧。
A:So you broke up with Sally?A:你和莎莉分手了?B:Yeah,we're through with each other.Now I just can't get over her.I went with her for two years.B:是的,我们分手了,但我还是忘不了她。毕竟在一起待了两年啊。A:I suppose it's very hard.A:我想那很困难。B:Yes,very hard.Isn't that something how she left me after two years?B:是的,太困难了。她为什么要在两年之后离开我呢?A:Don't be mad.I'm sure you'll go with another fine lady someday.A:别太伤心了。我保证你会很快找到另一半的。B:I don't think so.I never want to get hurt again.B:我不这么认为,我不想再次受到伤害。A:I understand.A:可以理解。
A:Hello, Mary. I haven't seen you for ages. Are you still seeing Paul? A:嗨,玛丽,好久不见了。你还在和保罗交往吗? B:No.We broke up last month.I'm taking a break from dating for a while. B: 没有。我们上个月分手了。我暂时不想约会了。 A:Did you break up amicably? Sometimes couples row a lot before splitting up. A: 你们是友好地分手吗?有些情侣分手前会大吵大闹。 B: We just decided to stop seeing each other. It was all very amicable. B:我们只是决定不再见面,始终很和气。
A:What shall we do,Mary? A:玛丽,我们该怎么做? B:I think we should be just friends if we are to see each other again. B:如果还打算见面,我想做普通朋友比较好。 A:So,we can still keep our friendship,right? A:那么,我们仍可以难持我们之间的友谊,对吧? B:I guess so. B:大概吧。
A:I'll never forget Lucy.After all,she was my first lover.A: 我总也忘不了露西。毕竟,她是我的初恋情人。B:I think you'll lay it to rest with the time flying.B:我想随着时间的流逝,你会淡忘这件事的。A:I remember that someone says that it is difficult to forget the people who dont' want to forget.A:我记得有人说过,对于不想忘记的人来说,忘记是件困难的事。B:But I think time can change everything.B:但是我认为时间可以改变一切。



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