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龙在英文中读作dragon,英 [ˈdrægən] 美 [ˈdræɡən];常常听到的例句有:Later, dragon became the symbol of power and monarch.后来,龙成了权利和帝王的象征。以下是具体的内容介绍。



读音:英 [ˈdrægən] 美 [ˈdræɡən]


复数: dragons


1、Later, dragon became the symbol of power and monarch.


2、Dragon represents power and good luck.


3、The dragonfly becomes a dragon in his dream.


4、Water is not deep, the dragon was alien.



龙的 英语 翻译方式

中国人在西方人面前自称“Dragon”或“Descendants of the Dragon”(龙的传人(后裔)),西方人当然要把中国人看成是恶魔和坏人了。所以我们再也不能把“龙”翻译成“Dragon”了!

建议今后也不要再把英文单词 dragon 翻译成中文的“龙”,可以对它进行音译,如“得拉根”,解释是:“西方神话中凶恶的带翼巨兽”。

有人建议把“龙”音译成“Long”。但是“long”的英文发音和“龙”完全两样,相当于中文的“狼”,并非真正的音译。当西方人指着龙说“long”时,中国人还必须纠正他的发音,不仅增加了交流的困难,还会引起对方的困惑。Long 在英文中是一个使用非常普遍的常用词,含义本来就很多,把龙翻译成 long 也会造成意义上的混乱。所以不能简单地把龙的拼音字母作为龙的英文音译。


英文中对“龙”字的音译是“Loong”,姓氏“龙”和人名中的“龙”字也被翻译成“loong”,例如著名武术家李小龙的英文名字是“Lee Siu Loong”,新加坡总理李显龙的名字被翻译成“Lee Hsien Loong”。在一些涉及龙的文字中,“龙”也的确被称为“loong”。因此,把“龙”翻译成“loong”才是真正的音译,而且它已经有了广泛的使用基础,也符合海外华人的习惯,有利于团结海外华人。

曾有研究者指出:英文可能最初也是一种象形文字,例如:eye(眼睛),bed(床),broom(扫帚。字母 b 有扫帚的形状,扫帚在扫房间 room)。Loong 的两个“O”字母,就象龙的两只大眼睛;Loong 在文字上又和“long”相近,给人“长”的感觉(很多西方人的确有意把“long long ago”写成“loong loong ago”),因此 loong 还具有象形文字的特点,和中文汉字有暗合之妙。而 long 则有“独眼龙”之嫌。

英文中本来没有 loong 这个单词,因此把“龙”翻译成 loong,不会引发歧义。所以,“龙”应该翻译成“loong”。


龙的英文 简介

The people of China have a Long held belief that they are descendents of the Long,a tradition that is firmly embedded in their culture and one that is encountered across all aspects of Chinese society and in the minds of its people.Whereas in western cultures dragons are usually regarded as a symbol of malevolence,in China the Long is held in high esteem for its dignity and power for good.
From primitive times people have regarded the Long as an auspicious creature with the power to bless and influence their lives.As tribes fought for domination and came to be united under a common banner the Long was adopted as a national icon.Such was the mysterious creature’s power it was regarded as the god of rain,thunder,the rainbow,and the stars.In a society that was founded upon agriculture and animal husbandry totally reliant upon its natural environment and in particular the climate,the dragon was worshipped as the source of all that was beneficial to communal well being.This concept has been sustained for thousands of years as more and more deification was bestowed upon the dragon ranging from being a bringer of joy to prophecy and miracles.With the establishment of a feudal society,emperors compared themselves to the Long thereby making it the exclusive symbol of imperial majesty.Anyone who subsequently used the Long as a symbol either intentionally or erroneously could be regarded as offending their ruler and condemned to death.
The image of the Long has undergone a series of changes over the centuries becoming more and more mighty and beautiful.The original illustration on primitive bronze ware portrays it as ferocious and mysterious;in the Han Dynasty(206BC-220),it became magnificent and unrestrained;while during the Tang Dynasty(618-907),it was personalized as gentle,tamed and graceful.From the Song Dynasty onwards(960-1279),the design became delicate and flowery.
There are several different kinds of Long according to color,which may be yellow,blue,black,white or red.Of these the most highly revered was the yellow Long and so each emperor wore a gown decorated with a yellow Long pattern.
Although there are differences in appearance,the basics are similar.This is because it is a combination of the features of animals with which people were familiar.A Long has a protruding forehead indicating wisdom and antlers.Its ox’s ears denote success in the imperial examination;it has tiger’s eyes as a sign of power;eagle’s claws showing bravery;while a fish’s tail implies flexibility and the horse’s teeth are a mark of diligence and so on.


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