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赛车运动起源距今已有超过100年的历史。最早的赛车比赛是在城市间的公路上进行的。许多车手因为公路比赛极大的危险性而丧生,于是专业比赛赛道应运而生。第一场赛车比赛于1887年4月20日在巴黎举行。赛车运动分为两大类:场地赛车和非场地赛车。场地赛车顾名思义,就是指赛车在规定的封闭场地中进行比赛。它又可分为漂移赛、方程式赛、轿车赛、运动汽车赛、GT耐力赛、短道拉力赛、场地越野赛、直线竞速赛等。 非场地赛车基本上的比赛场地不是封闭的,主要分拉力赛、越野赛及登山赛、沙滩赛、泥地赛等。方程式赛中又包含了一级方程式、三级方程式、GP2、F3000、印地赛车、美国冠军方程式、福特方程式、康巴斯方程式及卡丁车等。那么,赛车英文怎么说呢?

What is motor sports什么是赛车
Motorsport or motorsports is the group of sports which primarily involve the use of motorized vehicles, whether for racing or non-racing competition. Motorsport refers to motorcycle racing specifically and includes off-road racing such as motocross and MotoGP.
Motor racing is the subset of motorsport/motorsport activities which involve competitors racing against each other.Non-racing motorsport refers to the forms of motorsport which do not involve racing include drifting,motorcycle trials, freestyle motocross and tractor pulling.Formula One, also known as Formula 1 or F1 and referred to officially as the FIA
Formula One World Championship, is the highest class of single seater auto racing sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA). The “formula” in the name refers to a set of rules with which all participants’ cars must comply. The F1 season consists of a series of races, known as Grands Prix (translated to English as “Big Prizes”), held on purpose-built circuits and public roads. The results of each race are combined to determine two annual World Championships, one for the drivers and one for the constructors, with racing drivers, constructor teams, track officials, organizers, and circuits required to be holders of valid Super Licences, the highest class of racing license issued by the FIA.
Formula One cars are considered to be the fastest circuit-racing cars in the world, owing to very high cornering speeds achieved through the generation of large amounts of aerodynamic downforce. Formula One cars race at high speeds-up to 360 km/h (220 mph)-with engines the performance of which is limited to a maximum of 18,000 revolutions per minute (RPM). The cars are capable of lateral acceleration in excess of 5 g in corners. The performance of the cars is very dependent on electronics-although traction control and other driving aids have been banned since 2008-and on aerodynamics, suspension and tyres. The formula has had much evolution and change through the history of the sport. Europe, where all the Formula One racing teams are based, is the sport’s traditional basis and where about half of each year’s races occur. However, the sport’s scope has expanded significantly during recent years and an increasing number of Grands Prix is held on other continents.
世界一级方程式锦标赛――英文拼写为Formula One,简称为F1,是世界上最昂贵、速度最快、科技含量最高的运动,是商业价值最高,魅力最大,最吸引人观看的体育赛事。 与奥运会(The Olympics),世界杯足球赛(FIFA World Cup)并称为“世界三大体育赛事”。 它包含了以空气动力学(aerodynamics)为主,加上无线电通讯、电气工程等世界上最先进的技术。F1的比赛规则(Regulations)是由国际汽联(FIA)制定的。
目前F1共有12支参赛车队(Constructor),每队最多2人参赛,每年规划有17至19站的比赛,通常约在三月中开跑,十月底结束赛季。F1每个分站赛的赛程由三部分组成,即周五及周六早上的练习赛(Practice),周六下午的排位赛(Qualifying)以及周日下午的决赛(The Grand Prix)。其中,周六下午的排位赛的比赛结果决定决赛的排位(Grid),排位赛单圈成绩越好,正赛发车顺序越靠前。单圈成绩最快的车手在星期日的决赛中排头位,称为P.P.(Pole Position),又称为“杆位”。在正赛中,最先跑完全部圈数冲过终点线(Finish Line)的车手(Race driver)将获得冠军(champion)。比赛前八位完赛车手及所属车队依序可得到10,8,6,5,4,3,2,1的积分(score)。F1使用的是单一年度联赛制度,积累全年积分来决定车手和车队的成绩,据此产生冠军。



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