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Describe a dream restaurant you like

Ok, well, a dream restaurant might be something like this. First, for food, the restaurant must have a variety of dishes and these dishes would be separated by region. For example, if you wanted to eat dishes from Sichuan, there would be a special menu and chef from that region. Or if you wanted to eat Cantonese style, they'd give you a special menu.

I like a restaurant that has a theme in its atmosphere. It should be clean and be decorated with many things to look at. I prefer it if the restaurant has a place to store your belongings. I think service is important. My dream restaurant would have waiters and waitresses who have special skills like pouring tea and are experts at juggling plates and cutlery. They should always be checking on your table to see if things are ok, like your teacup. And there should be very clean aquarium tanks for the seafood that is to be served. The table should have a very nice enamel base, because I prefer tables without tablecloths. Prices... well... they'd be reasonable.

I guess the reason this is my dream is because it fits all the ideal expectations and wishes I have always had for a restaurant. Every restaurant I go to has some weaknesses in one of these areas, so my dream is for it to be perfect in every area.



I can see both advantages and disadvantages to having a new restaurant built in our neighborhood. I'm worried about traffic and how it will affect our neighborhood. However, I think that it will benefit local businesses and increase appreciation for our neighborhood. Overall, I think it is a good idea.

Traffic congestion is always a concern when you build something new. Our streets are narrow, with parking on both sides. More cars traveling through the neighborhood could cause a lot of congesting. Traffic means parking problems, too. Our neighborhood has very few garages attached to the houses. Most of us depend on finding a space to park on the street. If the new restaurant is built, we’ll be competing for those spaces with the restaurant's patrons. Plus, if the restaurant offers wallet parking, it'll be even worse. Valet parkers work in teams to grab every possible space available on the street.

I'm also concerned about the type of patrons this new restaurant will bring into our neighborhood. A family restaurant wouldn't be a problem. However, if it's going have a bar and dancing, then there could be problems. The restaurant would stay open later, and people leaving the restaurant might be drunk. Who wouldn't worry about rowdy customers staggering around our neighborhood in the early morning hours, looking for their cars?

I have to admit, though, there are advantages to a new restaurant. Our neighborhood could certainly use the jobs the restaurant would provide. Not only that, the money neighborhood residents would earn there would likely be spent at other neighborhood businesses. This would give a boost to those businesses and make our neighborhood more prosperous.

A new restaurant would also attract a lot of people to our neighborhood. They could see what a nice area this is to live. That might attract new residents to the neighborhood. That would be a good thing, because we've been losing residents to the suburbs the last couple of years.

There are a lot of details to consider, but all in all, I support the idea of this new restaurant in our neighborhood.


Eating OutLast night we went to eat in a little restaurant near our school. It was not a good time for us to get there as we could find a seat. So we had to wait for about half an hour in front of a table which was in use by four customers.When we sat down and started to order from the menu we were told that three dishes we ordered were not available as the materials for these dishes were all used up. What a disappointment! We had no choice but to order a meat dish of spare-ribs and a vegetable dish of greens together with a bowl of rice for each of us. We were still hungry after the meal so we had to have some instant noodles after we returned to our dorm.


One day my parents and I went to a resturant to have lunch.We engoyed the food very happily.Unfortunatelythe clerk made a mistake that he broke the plate and dirted my shirt.I shouted him.But he did not say any apology to me.We called the manager and he asked the clerk to say sorry to me.Then we left the resturant.It is a so bad night!


On May.5th one of my friends and I went to a restaurant near our school to have lunch.The waitress served us friendly.

We didn't wait very long before our dishes were all ready.We were so hungry that we could almost ate a chicken at that time.

Just when we were going to speak highly of the tastes that my friend found a fly in the bowl."Ohmy god!""What is wrong?"I asked."I can't stand it!"

That really surprised me much.I often eat meals there.From then onI think I will never come to this restaurant again.The boss of the restaurant should solve this problem as soon as possible.



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