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Courage is very important. Everyone needs it. We will meet many difficulties in our life and sometimes we will fail, but we can’t lose courage. If we lose courage, we can’t do anything, because we don’t dare to do anything; we are afraid of failure. This is my Chinese teacher me in the first class. I agree with him. For example, we don’t have the courage to hands up to say our answer, how can we know we are right or wrong. I will remember his word forever,” never lose courage .”



Failure is the mother of success. Sometimes people have to cope with many mistakes and failures in order to reach the successful finals. While others might succumb to failure, they tend to retreat and give in their efforts. Success often provides confidence and satisfaction, nevertheless failure companies with bitter, saddness, and suffering. It seems people have to learn through each experience, as success doesn‘t always falls from heaven.

I remembered I used to fail on my vocabury test when I was in high school. I had problem to memorize new words which got lloose each day. I almost decided to give up English, but was obliged to one of my neighbour classmates who kept on sending small sheet for me. In the end of the semester, I found I had finished my vocabulary book which became a work force in reading English. I then realized that a new word came and left our brains for several times. Nobody is born as genius for success. Success tends to arrive after a serial of trials and failures.

Of course, success brings confidence and victory. But, life is not always easy and comfortable. There are more difficulties than eases in the real life. It is likely that we have to face some failures ahead. Therefore, those who learn how to deal and endure failures will taste their success eventually.


In the matter of courage we all have our limits. There never was a hero who did not have his bounds. I suppose it may be said of Nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit.

I have found mine a good many times. Sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. I know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor.

I never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. I should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. If I attempt to talk across a room I find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods I have part of the audience behind me. You ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do.


Failure is a common thing in our daily life. There are times when we fail to do satisfactory work. In short, failures happen naturally and almost everyone has such experience.

However, there are different attitudes toward failure. Some people lose confidence in failure. Some people don't take failure seriously and they just let it be, while some others learn much from failure, and therefore see the light of hope through failure.

In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and do after failure. As long as we don't give up and believe in ourselves, and in the meantime learn something from failure, we'll certainly make our marks in this world in the end.


I am not a brave girl, I am afraid of losing face in front of my friends and parents, so I always let the chance go and refuse to try. Once, I have a chance to take a performance in the Christmas show, but thinking about if I performed badly, all my friends would laugh at me, so I gave up the chance. But now, I am tired of letting so many chances to go, I want to try, after seeing my friends take all the chances to try, I am not going to be the outsider all the time, I want to live my own life and make some differences. People say failure is not terrible, the unforgettable thing are to lose the courage to try and then making all kinds of excuses. Let’s take out our courage and do what we want to do.



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