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  a misjudged case错案
  abide by the law守法
  administer/apply/enforce/execute the law 执法.
  administrative law 行政法
  adopt legislation against正式通过反对……的法律.
  advocate 辩护人.
  air law航空法
  All men are equal before the law.法律面前,人人平等。
  amend 修正
  amend legislation修正法规
  arbitration tribunal/court of arbitration 仲裁法庭.
  Attorney General(英)检察长
  attorney /lawyer/attorney-at-law 律师
  authorize 授权

  be at law with one's neighbors同邻居打官司.
  be authorized to act under the law 被授权依法采取行动.
  be bred to the law被培养成律师
  be caught in the meshes of the law 陷入法网.
  be prohibited by law被法律禁止
  be under a subpoena被传唤
  bicameral legislature两院制立法机构
  break/violate the law犯法
  bring before the court/bring to trial提审.

  call sb. on subpoena(用传票)传唤某人
  can hardly escape from the meshes of law难逃法网.
  cancel/repeal/abrogate/annul a law废除一项法律.
  carry out the law执法
  challenge the legitimacy对……的合法性表示异议.
  cite/summon for interrogation or trial 传讯civil code民法典法.
  civil court民事法庭
  civil law民法
  civil suit law民事诉讼法
  collegiate branch合议庭
  Commission for Legal Affairs法治委员会
  common law/judge-made判例法
  con锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌 law兵役法
  constitution 宪法
  consult a lawyer/seek the advice of a lawyer 请教律师.
  contract law契约法
  copyright 著作权
  copyright law版权法
  corporate law公司法
  corporation lawyer公司法律顾问
  counter-charge 抗诉
  court 法院
  court of appeal(circuit) 中级(巡回)法院.
  criminal court刑事法庭
  criminal law刑法

  declare/proclaim martial law宣布戒严令
  decree/laws and decrees法令
  decree /ordinance法令.法规
  defendant/accused [defendant]被告
  defy all laws. human or divine无法无天
  defy the law违抗法律
  dismiss/disband/dissolve a legislature解散立法机关.
  domestic law 国内法
  draft tax legislation起草税法
  education legislation教育法规
  electoral law选举法
  eminent lawyer知名的律师
  employ/engage/hire a lawyer聘请律师
  enforce 实施.使生效
  enter (the) law 开始从事法律工作
  environmental law环境法
  establish the legitimacy of确认……的合法性.
  evade/dodge laws逃避法律
  execution ground/place of execution法场
  expert in criminal laws刑法专家

  file/bring/enter a lawsuit against an airline对一家航空公司提起诉讼.
  final instance终审
  first instance/first hearing/first trial 初审.原审.
  flout law and discipline 目无法纪
  follow/practise/go in for the law做律师
  formulate 制定
  fundamental law 基本法
  game laws 狩猎法
  get one's property back at law 通过法律手段收回自己的钱.
  give (the) law to sb.对某人发号施令
  go to law against sb. 去法院控告某人
  go to law向法院提起诉讼
  have/take the law on sb.控告某人
  hear evidence 听证
  hear/hold a hearing开庭审理
  Heaven's law for all men每个人的天职
  High Court of Justice(英)高等法院
  Higher People's Court高级人民法院



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