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  a child with black eyes黑眼睛的孩子
  a feast for the eyes赏心悦目的东西
  a green eye妒忌的眼睛
  an eyeful of grateful tears满眼感激的泪水.
  an eyeful of water满眼泪水
  arched eyebrows 弯弯的眉毛
  arrest the eye of引起……的注意
  avert/turn away one's eyes from把目光从……离开.
avoid the eyes of others避开别人的目光
  be all eyes目不转睛地看
  be blinded with the rain(眼睛)被雨水模糊.
  be filmed with tears被泪水模糊
  black one's eyes把某人的眼眶打青
  blindfold 蒙住
  blink one's eyes眨眼睛
  bloodshot 充满血丝
  blue eyes with long eyelashes睫毛很长的蓝眼睛.
  blur the eyes with tears泪水模糊了眼睛

  can't be seen with the naked eye肉眼看不见.
  cast an evil eye on 不怀好意朝……看一眼
  cast one's eyes stealthily about鬼鬼祟祟地东张西望.
  catch sb.'s eyes与某人目光相遇
  cover one's eyes with one's hand用手捂住眼睛.
  cry one's eyes out哭得很伤心
  dazzle one's eyes使人眼花缭乱
  deeply-placed/deep-set eyes深陷的眼睛
  delight one's eyes赏心悦目
  double-edged eyelid 双眼皮
  drooped eyelid下垂的眼皮
  drop one's eyes低下双眼
  dull the eye使目光呆滞

  eye a stranger with suspicion怀疑地打量陌生人.
  eye sb. doubtfuly怀疑地看着某人
  eye sb. from head to toe从头到脚打虽某人
  eye sb. narrowly/closely仔细打量某人
  eye sb. up and down上下打量某人
  eyeball 眼球,眼珠
  eyebrow 眉毛
  eyelash 睫毛
  eyelid 眼皮.眼睑
  feast one's eyes on the painting尽情赏画
  fix one's eyes on盯着看
  flash one's eyes at向……漂一眼

  gaze at...with all one's eyes聚精会神地看.
  get a black eye 被打青眼眶
  get an eyeful of the city饱览全城
  give sb. the glad eye对某人抛媚眼
  glance one's eyes down the page眼睛粗略扫过书页.
  glistening eyes闪闪发光的眼睛
  have a quick eye for mistakes一眼就能看出错误.
  have an eye for beauty有审美的眼光
  have an eye for the fair and the beautiful有审美眼光.
  have an eye on the house看中那幢房子
  have an eye to education注意教育问题
  heavy/thick/bushy eyebrows浓眉
  hold the public eye引起世人注意
  hollow eyes 凹陷的眼睛
  in one's mind's eye在心目中
  inflamed eyes 红肿的眼睛
  iris 虹膜

  keen eyes锐利的眼睛
  keep an eye on the bike注意那辆自行车
  knit the eyebrow皱眉头
  lift/raise one's eyebrow竖起眉毛
  look with cold eyes冷眼旁观
  look with wistful eyes用渴望的眼睛看
  man with a critical eye有批判眼光的人
  oblique eyes斜眼
  pencil the eyebrow描眉
  pupil 瞳孔
  radiant eyes炯炯有神的眼睛
  raise one's eyes to heaven仰望天空
  red-shot eyes充血的眼睛
  remarkably shrewd eyes 非常敏锐的目光
  rough eyebrows粗而浓的眉毛
  rub one's eyes揉眼睛

  shut one's eyes to对……熟视无睹
  single-edged eyelid单眼皮
  sink in 凹下去
  sleepy eyes惺松的眼睛
  sour eyes疼痛发炎的眼睛
  starry eyes亮晶晶的眼睛
  strain one's eyes伤视力
  strike the eye 映入眼帘
  sympathetic eye同情的目光
  the scenery that pleases the eye悦目的风景.
  twinkle with joy闪烁着喜悦的光芒
  under one's very eyes就在某人眼皮底下
  up to the eyes in debt债台高筑
  watery eyes水汪汪的眼睛
  wink one's eyes使眼色.瞪眼
  wipe one's eyes擦干眼泪
  with a suspicious eye用怀疑的目光
  with an impartial eye以公正的眼光
  with tears in one's eyes眼里嗜着泪



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