

英语培训 外教英语培训 职场英语培训 成人英语培训 英语口语培训 出国前英语培训 少儿英语培训 游学夏令营


  • 坐火车英文怎么说


    高频词汇 railway station 火车站 schedule timetables 时刻表 ticket window 售票口 lower bunk 下铺 soft sleeper 软卧 train 列车 hard seat ticket 硬座票 arrival time 到达时间 discount 折扣 buffet car 餐车 常用句子 1.我该去哪里买票? Where can I

  • 关于地铁的英文


    常见词汇 subway 地铁 ticket machine 自动售票机 route map 线路图 elevator 电梯 fare 车费 change trains 换乘地铁 go direct 直达 transfer 换乘 transfer station 换乘站 ticket 车票 available 有效的 常用句子 1.地铁站在哪儿? Where is the subway s

  • 电子产品的英文


    高频词汇 smart phone 智能手机 touch screen 触屏 entry-level 入门级的 laptop 笔记本电脑 function 功能 Android System 安卓操作系统 download 下载 application 应用 camera 相机 lens 镜头 polarizing filter 偏振滤光器 memory 内存 常用句子 1.我想

  • 去医院看病的英文


    经典例句 1.我觉得想吐。 I feel like vomiting. 2.我弯不下身子。 I cant bend over. 3.我觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩,还想吐。 I feel drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. 4.能帮我叫医生吗? Would you like to send for a doctor for me? 5.您能帮我配这份处方吗?

  • 公用电话英文


    经典例句 1.我在哪里能找到电话亭? Where can I find a phone booth? 2.能借用一下电话吗? Can I borrow the phone? 3.这部公用电话的号码是多少? What is the number of this pay phone? 4.那里的国际代码是多少? What is the international code there? 5.

  • 遗失英文怎么说


    经典例句 1.您有没有在这里看到一部手机?我的手机丢了。 Did you happen to see a mobile phone here?I lost mine. 2.我的行李丢了。 My luggage is missing. 3.失物招领处在哪里? Where is the Lost and Found? 4.我的护照丢了。 My passport is missing. 5

  • 退换货英语对话


    情景短对话 A: Is there any guaranty on these watches? 这些手表有售后保障吗? B: A five-year guaranty comes standard on all our watches. 我们的手表都有5年的保修期。 A: How long is the warranty period?保修期是多长时间? B: Six months.六个月。

  • 购买衣服的英语对话


    经典例句 1.我想试试这件。 Id like to try this on. 2.你们有大一点儿的吗? Do you have anything larger? 3.有别的颜色可选吗? What are the other color choices? 4.这种颜色容易褪色吗? Does the color fade easily? 5.还有其他的款式吗? Do you have an

  • 关于购物的英语口语


    经典例句 1.这个多少钱? How much will this cost? 2.有50美元左右的商品吗? What about things around the $50 mark? 3.总共多少钱? Whats the total? 4.这是促销价吗? Is this the sale price? 5.有点贵。 Its a bit too much. 6.价格能再便宜一点吗? Can

  • 酒吧的英语怎么说


    经典例句 1.你们桶里有什么啤酒? What beer do you have on tap? 2.你们这里有什么样的啤酒? What beers do you have? 3.你有什么推荐? What would you recommend? 4.还有什么其他的好酒吗? Are there any other good drinks? 5.半品脱就够了。 A half pint

  • 餐厅预约英语怎么说


    经典例句 1.我想订餐。 Id like to make a reservation. 2.我想订张八人桌。 Id like to reserve a table for eight. 3.如果有人取消预订,请给我打电话。 Please call me if there is a cancellation. 4.对不起,我想取消订餐。 I m sorry, but I have to c

  • 快餐常用英语


    经典例句 1.请给我来一个汉堡,还有炸薯条。 Please give me a burger and fries. 2.我要2号餐。 I would like meal number 2. 3.你们有什么饮料? What kind of drinks have you got? 4.不要芥末,少放些洋葱。 No mustard and go easy on the onions. 5.我

  • 退房用英语怎么说


    经典例句 1.我需要结账退房。 I need to check out. 2.请给我账单。 My bill, please. 3.我们可以延迟几个小时退房吗? Can we check out just a few hours later? 4.迟几点退房? What is the latest check-out time? 5.我乘坐的是下午的飞机,可以晚一点退

  • 纺织用英语怎么说


    经典句型 Bleach keeps the white clothes from yellowing. 漂白剂防止白衣服变黄。 This factory provides the raw materials for high-quality cloth. 这家工厂提供优质布料的原料。 Maybe you could dye that skirt to match your blouse. 也许你可以给那

  • 日常饮食英语


    常用句型 Do you have a seafood allergy? 你对海鲜过敏吗? Strawberry is my favorite fruit. 草毒是我喜欢吃的水果。 How would you like the beef? 你想怎么料理牛肉呢? Im a vegetarian, so Im thin. 因为我是家食主义者。所以瘦。 Eating cauliflower

  • 会议常用英语


    经典句型 Hows the exhibition going? 展览会进行得怎么样了? Did you have a discussion about this project? 你们对这个项目讨论过吗, How is your project going, Jack? 杰克.你的计划进行得怎么样了? Let me tell you our schedule. 让我告诉你我们的计

  • 同事关系英文


    同事交往 Getting Along with Colleagues 经典句型 Sara is a night person. She always calls me at night. 萨拉是个夜猫子,她经常半夜给我打电话。 My colleague is a chain smoker. 我的同事是个烟鬼。 Mark has a bad temper 马克脾气不好。 I cannot g

  • 分配工作英语


    经典句型 I will delegate some tasks for you. 我会给大家分配任务。 His high salary depends on his experience and ability. 他的高薪资由他的工作经验和能力而定。 I think you should know your definite duties. 我认为你应该知道你的实际职责。 What

  • 申请索赔 英语


    索赔 Indemnity 经典句型 Damage shouldnt be caused during the transshipment. 转运过程中不能产生损坏。 We hope for a settlement of all these troubles. 我们希望这些纠纷获得解决。 We dont have any complaint about this product. 我们没有收到对这

  • 确认订单 英文


    确认订单 Confirming 经典句型 Please tell me the details of your order. I will check it. 请您详细地告诉我关于您的订单。我会去核对。 Do you have any questions about your order? 您对订单还有疑问吗? This is our official order for 100 computers

  • 报价英语怎么说


    报价 Offer 经典句型 What price can you quote us on two hundred sets? 我们订购两百个的话,你们的报价是多少. The description of our product is as follows. 我们产品的描述如下。 I can make you a special offer. 我可以提供你一个特患价。 Our bran

  • 商务谈判英语口语


    商务谈判 Business Negotiation 经典句型 I cannot understand your point well. 我不太理解你的观点。 Im conferring with my customers about online orders. 我现在跟我的顾客协商网上订单的事。 We express our pleasure to trade with you. 我们很高兴

  • 市场调查英文


    市场调查 Market Survey 经典句型 The advantage of our product is its light weight and less expensive price. 我们产品的优点是它很轻又不贵。 You can make any comments on our product after buying it. 您购买我们的产品后可以做任可评论。 We are c

  • 展览会用英语怎么说


    展览会 Exhibition 经典句型 Here you are. This is my name card 给您,这是我的名片。 We displayed our products at the door of our building and attracted many people. 我们在大厦门口展示我们的产品,这吸引了很多人。 Welcome to the fair. 欢迎来

  • 推荐商品 英文


    经典句型 I promise that our product is superior. 我承诺我们的产品比别的家的好。 Our product is very attractive to young people. 我们的产品很吸引年轻人。 I want to buy this MP3 and can you tell me about the detailed descriptions of the capa

  • 颜色英语怎么说


    生活就如一张画纸若画纸上没有颜色一片空白就会显得很平淡生活也是如此没有各种各样的情感。生活就像一块调色板,各种颜色的颜料聚集于此,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫一应倶全。每一种颜色都是一种生活,每一种颜色都是一种人生,每一种颜色都代表一种情感。 语境记忆 P

  • 英语尺寸表示


    语境记忆 I think a large size will fit you better. 我想大号会更适合您。 Let me measure your foot, please. 请让我量一下您脚的尺寸。 My son is about the same height as you. 我儿子跟你差不多高。 Her weight has increased to 70 kilos. 她的体重

  • 关于帽子的英语


    帽子,一种戴在头部的服饰,有保暖、防雨、遮日光或装饰功能。种类很多,选择亦有讲究。首先要根据脸型选择合适的帽子。其次要根据自己的身材来选择帽子。 语境记忆 I forgot to put on a sun hat and nearly fainted under the sun. 我忘记戴太阳帽,差点被

  • 关于鞋子的英语


    语境记忆 I recently bought a pair of snow boots online. 我近在网上买了一双雪地靴。 Hiking shoes are better for most backpacking trips. 对于绝大多数背包旅行来说远足鞋更合适。 We now have dress shoes on sale. 我们有正装鞋在做打折促销活动。

  • 裙子用英语怎么说


    语境记忆 The color of her tunic dress suits her very well. 她束腰裙的颜色很适合她。 The shop assistant took out a shirt dress for her to try on. 店员拿出一件衬衣裙让她试穿。 The white backless dress goes perfectly with your style an skin c

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